Tag: air passengers

It’s time for consumers to finally enjoy their rights when travelling 

This summer, while helping many of my colleagues who were impacted by last-minute flight cancellations during another summer of travel chaos, I realised that passenger rights issues are like a grumpy old uncle we see every holiday but are never...

/ December 8, 2022
Ryanair strike

Ryanair strike: why passengers urgently need collective redress

It can be frustrating to be a passenger rights specialist nowadays. Even if at BEUC we don’t deal with consumer complaints, a task that our members fulfil, I still get a lot of questions from family/friends/colleagues asking for advice when...

/ September 28, 2018

Air passenger rights have not taken off

We don’t know if readers are among the 25% air passengers who have experienced flight delays, but they very well could be because that is a shockingly high percentage. We have released an international survey together with 7 other consumer...

and / April 28, 2017

Not enforcing consumer rights costs air passengers millions

Your flight was cancelled at the last moment. Or you found out at the airport that you cannot check in as your flight was overbooked. Sounds familiar? That’s because millions of people find themselves in this kind of situation all...

/ November 10, 2016