

Smarter Logos = better informed consumers

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Smarter Logos = better informed consumers

Joint research on the effectiveness of logos has been unveiled at a Roundtable with senior EU officials by AIM, the European Brands Association and BEUC, The European Consumer Organisation.

The purpose of this initiative is to provide consumers with better information on products, free of advertising purposes.

Logos are often more eye-catching than text and can provide a lot of information in a limited space. If well designed and tested for effectiveness they are a very good tool for conveying use, quality, health, safety or environmental information.

However, according to a Eurobarometer1 survey, EU-wide logos are often unknown to a large number of consumers or else known, but misunderstood. This is concerning as the information involved can play a role in consumer choice and might be intended to induce a certain type of behaviour or instruct on safe use.”

Malcolm Harbour MEP, Chair of the IMCO Committee and moderator of the Roundtable stated:

”It is an honour to be invited to such an inclusive meeting with a wide range of interests represented on a very important subject. We agreed on criteria to develop effective logos for the benefit of consumers. We also identified further work to be done so that consumers are better informed.”

Veronique Scailteur, Chair of the AIM Consumer Committee, said:

“Enhancing knowledge is one of the four pillars of the EU Consumer Agenda2 . In line with this policy objective, AIM and BEUC are committed to continue their cooperation and exchange to improve consumers’ information.”

Monique Goyens, Director General of BEUC, explained:

“Logos exist in all forms and shapes. Consumers are often unfamiliar with them, misinterpret their meaning or are even confused by their message. We want to see new logos part of EU laws being tested within a representative group of users. Only this can guarantee its added value.”


1 Special Eurobarometer 342, Consumer Empowerment, 2012

2 A European Consumer Agenda - Boosting confidence and growth, European Commission, 2012