
BEUC network

All our members

Eesti tarbijakaitse LIIT


The Estonian Consumers’ Union (ETL in Estonian) is an umbrella consumer organisation with 7 regional consumer organisation as members (the main functions of the local organisations is to provide information and advice in their localities). The umbrella organisation provides lobbying and campaigns, information and advice to consumers, manages web sites, organises and participates in seminars and workshops. The ETL is also member of the European and international consumer federations and consultative structures: BEUC, Consumers International, ANEC and the European Consumer Consultative Group.

Success Stories

The most important success in Estonia was the adoption of the first Consumer Protection Act in 1994 which gave a legal basis to the recognition of consumers and their representatives.

  • Founded in 1994
  • A BEUC member since 2004
  • Members in 2011: 7 regional consumer associations
  • Website visits since 2003: 2,912,070