Implementation by Meta, Apple, Google, Amazon, Bytedance and Microsoft of their obligations under the DMA
About this publication
The Digital Markets Act is a crucial piece of legislation to prevent Big Tech (gatekeepers) from controlling digital markets and give consumers greater choice and protection. For example, Apple can no longer force consumers to use its payments system for in-app purchases on iPhones or iPads. Meta will have to provide the possibility for WhatsApp users to communicate with users of other instant messaging platforms. Alphabet/Google must actively ask consumers which search engine they want to use.
However, although the legislation has been in application since early 2024, we have detected various examples of possible non-compliance from the companies in question, with likely negative consequences for markets and consumers alike.
We summarise in this new paper how we believe Apple, Meta, Alphabet/Google, Amazon, ByteDance and Microsoft are not complying with the most important, consumer-facing parts of the law. Some of these elements have already been picked up by the Commission in its non-compliance investigations and preliminary findings issued in the spring and summer.