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As talks on the EU-Mercosur trade agreement may be nearing the finish line and farmers are taking the Brussels streets today, BEUC warns the deal is likely to fail to safeguard consumer interests and align with the EU’s sustainability goals. The deal, still expected to be concluded by the end of this year, seeks to enhance trade between the two regions.
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The Strategic Dialogue for the future of Agriculture just published its report which rightfully urges EU and national policymakers to make the healthy and sustainable food choice the easy one for consumers. BEUC, who was among the participants, hails the outcome of the 7-month long deliberative process as a potential game changer. For this to happen, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen must reflect the Dialogue’s output in her upcoming Vision for Agriculture and Food and the concrete measures which must follow.
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The report published today by Enrico Letta from the Jacques Delors Institute is a welcome effort to remove barriers that prevent the Single Market from delivering its potential.