Mind the gap - Making the multimodal journey the easy journey - BEUC’s position on the Multimodal Digital Mobility Services initiative
About this publication
Although consumers want to move around more sustainably, the need for a modal shift (and in particular towards rail) in their mobility habits is of such magnitude that it cannot rely on their individual decisions alone. The pre-condition for this modal shift to happen is for consumers to have a multimodal offer that is easy to use and attractive.
Yet, planning a multimodal or long-distance journey is still an obstacle course, due to difficulties in finding and paying for tickets, poor information on connections or lack of rights for passengers who use several modes of transport or travel with different operators.
The upcoming European Commission initiative on Multimodal Digital Mobility Services has the potential to translate one of the Green Deal’s objectives into consumers’ daily life and help make the sustainable transport option the convenient one.
The main recommendations of this position paper are available in one-page format here.