BEUC joins European Commission investigation into Apple for distorting competition in music streaming
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PRESS RELEASE - 02.06.2021
BEUC has just joined the European Commission’s antitrust investigation into Apple using its App Store rules to distort competition for music streaming services in the EU’s Single Market.
The Commission filed formal charges against Apple on 30 April 2021 based on its preliminary view that Apple has broken EU antitrust rules, restricting consumers’ choice of services at competitive prices. BEUC had welcomed the filing of charges against Apple.
BEUC will be able to contribute consumer feedback from its members across Europe now that the European Commission has recognised BEUC as an interested third party in its Apple’s App Store antitrust investigation.
Monique Goyens, Director General of the European consumer organisation BEUC, commented:
“We look forward to working with the Commission to ensure that Europe’s consumers have access to a full range of music streaming services without their choices being unfairly restricted or prices being artificially inflated.