Data Act important for competition and consumer choice
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PRESS RELEASE - 23.02.2022
The European Commission’s proposal published today to set up new rules on data-sharing, including conditions and protections on data portability and accessibility, is essential to consumers.
As the originators of much of this data - through their use of connected devices and digital services - consumers need to stay in control of how and with whom the data they helped generate is shared. This data is useful for all kinds of services in the economy that consumers might also benefit from, such as competing service providers or a wider choice of aftermarket services, including repair and maintenance.
For example, it should be possible for the data generated by a smart fridge to be taken to a competitor or accessed by a third-party service if the consumer wishes. This data could include fridge settings, information about the fridge’s content, the way it interacts with other smart appliances in the house, or about how the fridge is used or might be malfunctioning.
Monique Goyens, Director General of the European Consumer Organisation (BEUC), said:
“The Data Act is an important piece of the jigsaw to make sure data can be accessed fairly across industries while giving users full power to decide what happens to the data they generate. Beyond providing a framework in which data gets accessed and shared, the EU’s Data Act must complement existing data protection, consumer, and competition rules.
“It is essential that consumers decide what happens to the data they generate, when they share it and with whom. Consumers should have a simple-to-exercise data portability right, which extends beyond personal data, so that they can for example take all their data from one service to another if they want to. The EU must also ensure that the Data Act does not end up reinforcing Big Tech data monopolies.”