Letta report identifies untapped potential of Single Market for consumers
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The report published today by Enrico Letta from the Jacques Delors Institute is a welcome effort to remove barriers that prevent the Single Market from delivering its potential.
Throughout its existence, the Single Market has translated into benefits for consumers in the form of greater choice in products and services across EU countries. BEUC calls for action in areas where the Single Market can deliver more for consumers, such as investment and pensions, rail and the energy transition but warns against pushing for more concentration in certain markets, such as the telecoms sector.
Monique Goyens, Director General of the European Consumer Organisation (BEUC), said:
“The Single Market is the perfect example where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. It is in part thanks to the Single Market that consumers in the EU benefit from some of the highest standards of protection worldwide, from food to data protection. The Letta report highlights many opportunities to make the Single Market deliver even more for consumers. These include pensions, where an auto-enrolment EU long-term savings product is well worth exploring, or the development of an integrated, multi-mode transport network across Europe.
“The Letta report has done a very good job in pointing out the important role of enforcement in the Single Market. We have many good laws in Europe but which are poorly enforced. We therefore strongly support Letta’s recommendation to have a dedicated service responsible for enforcement of Single Market legislation at EU level and greater powers to deal with large-scale infringements.
“We are concerned by the industry push to create EU champions, which seems to be getting traction with some policymakers. Therefore, we welcome that Mr Letta in his report highlights the need to respect competition laws. Liberalising telecommunication markets and protecting competition has been a success story for consumers by keeping prices reasonable and ensuring there is choice in suppliers. Competition and global competitiveness of European companies is not a binary choice, and both can co-exist by having the right rules in place.”