Call for experts: Ecodesign/Energy Labelling
About this publication
BEUC is looking for technical experts in the area of Ecodesign, Energy Labelling and Tyres Labelling to support European consumer organisations in the EU policy making process. Experts will provide technical and scientific input into preparatory studies and draft measures discussed at EU level.
Background: how does BEUC contribute to the Ecodesign process?
BEUC is a member of the Ecodesign and Energy labelling group of experts called the "Consultation Forum”, as established under Directive 2009/125/EC. The Consultation Forum supports the European Commission in developing new legislation which aims to make products more energy and material efficient.
Our role in this Forum is to ensure that the EU institutions take into consideration the consumer’s point of view when setting criteria for Ecodesign and the Energy label. Together with our members, we strive to ensure the agreed measures deliver savings for consumers and help protect the environment. More information can be found here.
In what areas is BEUC looking for Ecodesign experts?
At product specific level, on both energy and material efficiency:
- Cooking appliances
- Photovoltaics
- Solid fuel boilers
- Solid fuel local space heaters
- Air heating and cooling products
- Low temperature emitters
- Vacuum cleaners
- Electronic displays and TVs
- Computers
- Imaging equipment
- Electric vehicle chargers
- Garments and footwear
- Furniture and mattresses
- Tyres
At horizontal level:
- Material efficiency of products, including durability, reparability, recycling, and reuse
- Scoring system for repairability and durability
- Ecodesign methodology and Product Environmental Footprint methodology
Expertise on the EU Ecolabel framework is considered an advantage, as most of the preparatory work for new Ecodesign/Ecolabel criteria will take place in parallel.
What does working for BEUC on Ecodesign entail?
Technical support for BEUC can include – but is not limited to – the following tasks:
Analyse Ecodesign preparatory studies and prepare written comments (consumer briefing with technical recommendations) summarising key issues related to consumer relevant aspects for a defined product group;
Analyse Ecodesign draft measures for a specific product/horizontal issue and prepare a consumer briefing with technical recommendations;
Attend both technical and political meetings of the Consultation Forum, supporting the Ecodesign policy officer through technical advice.
As the Ecodesign legislative framework is undergoing an important reform, we welcome knowledge of the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) and its implications for consumers.
Once contracted, experts are entitled to a daily fee for each full day of work. We envisage the possibility to also contract half-days, depending on the type of work required.
The number of total days contracted to each expert will depend on their expertise and the envisaged complexity of the work/product group.
Indicatively, we allocate the following number of days per task (subject to changes depending on the specific work contracted):
Attendance of Consultation Forum meetings: 1 day per meeting attended
Preparation ahead of Consultation Forum meeting: 0.5 days per meeting attended
Preparation of briefing after Consultation Forum meeting: 1.5 days per briefing
Follow-up technical assistance to BEUC secretariat: 1 day
Expert assistance is generally required from the moment the European Commission announces the development or revision or Ecodesign/energy labelling Regulations for a specific product (see list above). We are unable to provide additional details on the workload and timing for the expertise required, as this depends on the activities of the European Commission.
BEUC offers the following daily fees available under the EU-funded project Ecodesigned4LIFE:
- In 2024: €680
- In 2025: €700
- In 2026: €720
As most technical and political meetings on Ecodesign are held online, reimbursement of travel costs is not covered. More information will be communicated upon receipt of the application.
Selection criteria
Proven expertise in sustainable product policy, including Ecodesign, Energy Labelling, and the EU Ecolabel.
Proven expertise in policy evaluation and analysis.
Proven expertise in methodologies to evaluate products’ environmental performance, including MEErP and LCA methodologies.
Knowledge on recycling, reuse and chemicals considered a plus.
Knowledge of the consumer movement and their asks and experience in working with consumer associations.
Experience in developing and/or dealing with consumer behavioural studies
How to apply?
We invite you to send both your CV and your motivation letter to Please identify your particular area of expertise within Ecodesign, Energy Labelling, and Tyres Labelling as well as your experience and interest in the consumer movement. Fluency in English is required.