What do consumers expect from the Slovenian EU Presidency?
What do consumers expect from the Slovenian EU Presidency?
BEUC NEWS - 23.06.2021
This 1 July, it will be the turn of Slovenia to take over the rotating presidency of the EU Council from Portugal. With our member organisation Zveza potrošnikov Slovenije (ZPS), we encourage the Slovenian government to make sure their six-month term at the helm of the EU will help to improve the lives of consumers.
Undoubtedly, a great deal of the Presidency’s efforts will be channelled on recovering from the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on our economies and societies. The Slovenian Presidency will also have to facilitate the swift roll out of the EU’s European Green Deal - which is paramount for the EU to meet its climate objectives.
We have published our set of recommendations to make sure the Presidency moves forward the initiatives of high relevance to consumers. As there are many of them, we have highlighted the ones we consider should top the agenda:
- Product Safety: To effectively withdraw dangerous products from the market, the upcoming revision of the EU’s framework law must ensure that products are better traceable along the supply chain and that market surveillance bodies are given the right tools.
- Financial services: The revision of the Consumer Credit Directive and any other legislation on non-performing loans should ensure that consumers are treated fairly and that they are adequately protected against irresponsible lending and harmful debt collection practices.
- Sustainable housing and mobility: The revision of several key pieces of legislation under the ‘Fit for 55’ legislative package should strongly enhance the ability of consumers to switch to more sustainable heating and cooling systems and opt for more sustainable mobility.
- Artificial intelligence: Consumers should benefit from artificial intelligence rather than be exposed to new risks. The proposed regulation should be expanded in scope and protect consumers from economic harm and discrimination caused by commercial uses of AI.
- ePrivacy: The finalisation of the legislative proposal for an ePrivacy Regulation is overdue and urgently needed. This legislation should lead to a higher level of privacy protection for consumers in the digital age and should complement the General Data Protection Regulation.
- The Digital Services Act (DSA): The EU’s initiative on the platform economy should increase the liability of online marketplaces and the due diligence obligations of platforms. It should also ensure swifter and more efficient redress and enforcement if the DSA’s rules are not respected.
- The Digital Markets Act: This regulation will contribute to the creation of digital markets that are more open and fairer for consumers by targeting the specific practices of gatekeepers.
Delve into our memorandum to learn more about what is at stake for the Slovenian Presidency.
The European Consumer Organisation
Europäischer Verbraucherverband
Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs