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Consumers could be exposing themselves to food-related risks, as they experience a lack of safe use instructions for food containers and kitchenware. Many continue to use worn or damaged food containers and kitchenware for some time, as an 11-country survey about people’s attitudes, needs, and concerns regarding ‘food contact materials’ [A] underlines. As a result, BEUC is calling for proper regulation of these materials.
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This report details whether consumers in 11 European countries recognise symbols on food containers, understand them, and whether they for instance reuse a scratched frying pan or cracked ceramic container.
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According to new statistics, 2,117 notifications were made to Safety Gate – the EU’s rapid alert system for dangerous non-food products – in 2022.
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Today, the European Chemicals Agency published details of a request by four EU Member States and Norway to restrict the use of Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS). PFAS are a family of greaseproof, waterproof, and non-stick industrial chemicals used in many consumer products. Examples include clothing, carpets, cleaning agents, as well as oil-repellent and heat-resistant food packaging.
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A new test by ten consumer organisations shows how silicone baking moulds can contaminate cakes, cookies, and other baked goods with unwanted chemicals. BEUC therefore urges the EU to rethink its food packaging laws to better protect consumers.
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