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Today the European Commission has imposed tariffs of up to 38% on imports of Chinese electric vehicles into the EU. For the European Consumer Organisation (BEUC), this move is part of a legitimate bid to rebalance competition in the EU electric car market. It must now be complemented by action at EU and national level to ensure consumers have access to affordable and innovative electric cars.
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This report is intended to inspire the next Commission mandate and give policymakers ideas on how to attract more consumers to rail. It provides concrete recommendations, from quick fixes to long term reflections, based on evidence gathered between 2023 and 2024 by eleven of our member organisations across the EU.
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Italian owners of Volkswagen cars fitted with defeat devices will finally get compensation. This is the outcome of a settlement agreed between BEUC’s Italian member Altroconsumo and Volkswagen, in the Italian Dieselgate case initiated in 2015. Volkswagen agreed to compensate 60,000 consumers for a total amount of €50 million.
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Today, the network of EU consumer protection authorities has announced that many airlines operating in the EU have misled consumers about the sustainability of their activities. They call on companies to abide by the rules. This announcement is a follow-up to the complaint the European Consumer Organisation (BEUC) launched in June 2023 together with member organisations from 19 countries.
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Today, the EU Parliament formally adopted ambitious rules to help consumers repair their goods easily and make their products last longer. BEUC, who has supported and contributed to this important commitment from the outset, hails the votes as a consumer win.
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The report published today by Enrico Letta from the Jacques Delors Institute is a welcome effort to remove barriers that prevent the Single Market from delivering its potential.
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