Consumer PRO: Boosting professionals in consumer protection
Consumer PRO: Boosting professionals in consumer protection
Consumer PRO is a capacity-building project aimed at making consumer organisations and other actors in consumer policy better equipped to protect consumers in their respective countries.
It is an initiative of the European Commission under the European Consumer Programme that started in July 2019 and it is now in its second phase, lasting until 2023. The implementation of the project has been entrusted to BEUC – The European Consumer Organisation. The latter acts as the umbrella group for national consumer groups in Brussels and has a proven track record of activities building the capacity of the consumer movement.
You would like to participate in our workshops? Visit our Events page to see the upcoming courses and apply.
Participation in the Consumer PRO project and events is open to all consumer professionals from the 27 Member States, as well as Iceland and Norway.
As the objective of the project is to build the capacity of the overall consumer movement, our activities are especially targeted to:
- Staff members and volunteers from national consumer organisations
- European Consumer Centers
- And representatives from national authorities
If you don’t fall in one of these categories, do not hesitate to get in touch! BEUC will redirect you to similar initiatives that contribute to advancing the consumer cause through different channels.
As consumer professional, Consumer PRO offers you the opportunity to:

In order to achieve the biggest impact and for the consumer movement to reap the aforementioned benefits, the project is built on the following main elements:
- Needs analysis to identify training priorities, country by country (last quarter of 2021)
- Training of trainers organised online (spring/summer 2022)
- Coaching scheme and peer-learning workshops for trainers (throughout 2022)
- European workshops (summer 2022 to spring 2023)
- National trainings (summer 2022 to spring 2023)
- Exchange of best practice seminar (spring/summer 2023)
Under the Consumer PRO project, BEUC policy experts, together with national trainers worked to develop, translate and adapt to their respective national legislation the so-called “Theoretical Background Documents” on the three topics of the national trainings: General Consumer Law, Digital Rights and Sustainability for the period 2019 – 2021 and General Consumer Law, Digital Rights and Collective Redress for the period 2021 – 2023. For some countries and following the interest at national level, more than one topic has been translated and adapted. Additionally, you can find the European versions of the documents, in English.
The Theoretical Background Documents are now available to all consumer professionals. We hope you will find the material useful to you in your day-to-day work and we invite you to download your national document(s).
Theoretical background documents (in English):
Digital Rights: 1st phase - 2nd phase - Supplementary document on the DSA | General Consumer Law | Collective Redress | Sustainability
National documents:
Austria | Bulgaria | Belgium | Croatia | Cyprus | Czech Republic | Denmark | Estonia | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | Ireland | Italy | Latvia | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Slovakia | Slovenia | Spain | United Kingdom
- Digitale Rechte: 2020 - 2022
- Allgemeines Verbraucherrecht
- Développement durable | Duurzaamheid
- Droit du numérique: 2020 - 2022 | Digitale rechten: 2020 - 2022
- Droit général de la consommation | Algemeen consumentenrecht
- Digitální práva: 2020 - 2022
- Udržitelnost
- Obecné spotřebitelské právo
- Mechanismy ochrany kolektivních zájmů spotřebitelů
- Nachhaltigkeit
- Digitale Rechte: 2022 - 2023
- Allgemeines Verbraucherrecht
- Tájékoztató a digitális jogok elméleti hátteréről: 2020 - 2022
- Tájékoztató a fogyasztóvédelem elméleti háttéréről, alapjairól
- Fogyasztóvédelmi jog
- Kollektív jogorvoslati eljárás
- Sostenibilità
- Diritto generale dei consumatori
- Diritti digitali: 2020 - 2022
- Teoriniai tvarumo pagrindai
- Skaitmeninės teisės
- Bendroji vartotojų teisė
- Kolektyvinis teisių gynimas
- Legislația Generală privind Protecția Consumatorilor
- Sustenabilitate
- Drepturi digitale
- Acțiuni colective în despăgubire
- Všeobecné spotrebiteľské právo
- Trvalá udržateľnosť
- Digitálne práva
- Kolektívna náprava pre spotrebiteľov
Interested in more details about the project?
Ready to apply to a national training?
For any questions and further information about the project, please contact the team at